Be a considerate training partner

Be a considerate training partner

May 19, 2023

Being a considerate training partner is an essential part of practicing martial arts, especially in Jiu-Jitsu. It not only shows respect for your fellow practitioners but also creates a safe and comfortable environment for everyone to learn and progress together. Here are some tips on how to be a considerate training partner in Jiu-Jitsu.

Rolling with someone smaller than you

It is common to come across someone smaller than you in Jiu-Jitsu, and it is essential to be mindful of your strength and weight when rolling with them. You don't want to go too easy, as it won't challenge them, but you also don't want to go too hard, as it may cause them harm. The idea is to find a balance and make it a challenging yet enjoyable roll for both of you.

Rolling with someone new

Rolling with someone new can be a great opportunity to test your skills and help someone else learn. It is crucial to control your intensity and avoid just smashing them. Instead, let them work a bit and try some techniques while keeping them safe. It is also an excellent chance to teach them a few tips and tricks that you've learned along the way.

Light rolls

When someone asks for a light roll, it is essential to respect their request. It usually means they want to practice their technique, rather than going hard and using strength. Matching their intensity and going with the flow can make for an enjoyable and productive roll for both of you.

Rolling with someone injured

If someone tells you they are injured, it is crucial to be extra careful and considerate when rolling with them. You don't want to aggravate their injury or make it worse. For instance, if someone has an injured elbow, you should avoid going for an armbar, and if someone has an injured ankle, avoid going for a foot lock. Always prioritize safety when training.

In conclusion, being a considerate training partner is an essential aspect of Jiu-Jitsu. It makes training more enjoyable, safe, and productive for everyone involved. By following these simple tips, you can make sure that you and your fellow practitioners have a positive experience on the mats. Remember that respect and consideration go a long way in martial arts, and it is up to each of us to create a positive training environment.